NDA Works

Chronicles of the Inhabited Worlds

(Unreleased anime series)

Original title: Les Chroniques des Mondes Habités
Author: Nicolas Pons

After centuries of war, Humans have colonized space and found peace as one with the creation of the Solar Alliance, the law enforcement body for the whole Inhabited Worlds Federation. However, evil never rest as the ever desire for greed and power lurks in the shadows, looking to overthrow the Solar Alliance and gain control over the inhabited worlds. Soon seemingly random pirate attacks on Calorium mining sites and cargo raise the suspicions of the Solar Alliance. It is a race against time for the Solar Alliance, to uncover the mastermind behind the attacks before the next blood bath.

The series follows Sarina Sanders, a brilliant officer of the Space Navy of the Solar Alliance, will soon have to defy the system, jeopardizing her career to uncover the secrets within the senate and stop an interstellar political plot. 

The Chronicles of the Inhabited Worlds is a journey during the most incredible turning point in human history that follows extraordinary destinies across time and space exploring a future with multiple opportunities.

Attack on Dupplessy's (above)
Pirates attack a defenseless family-owned mine on a distant asteroid that just discovered the rare mineral Calorium, that is used to fuel battleships.

Morning After (above)
Sarina wakes up after regretful drunk night with her one-night-stand, a junior cadet. In a humorous conversation, he slowly realizes she's a high ranking commodore and almost shits himself.

Ambushed - Part 1 (above)
Sarina and her crew get ambushed in a messy dogfight. What was supposed to be a simple recon mission on a small pirate flock turned out to be a battle for survival when they find themselves staring down the barrel of an ancient battle ship, the Virtuous, thought to be lost in the senate wars 300 years ago.

Ambushed - Part 2 (Above)
Faced against a stronger enemy, out-powered and out-numbered, Sarina has to use her wits in a space battle of the mind if she and her crew wants to get out of this ordeal alive!

Please and Thankyou ! (above)
Sarina POV: What can you do when you're late for an appointment and there are no space taxis available? Well "borrow" a police bike of course! Totally not illegal.

Even villains get angry with their bosses sometimes, and need some brain-dulling, mind-numbing, good' ole pistol action on some poor space rats - literally!