"Oddbods" is an action comedy series of 7 odd friends,each with unique character traits and their daily adventures together in a small sub-urban town of Oddsville. Each episode has a run-time of 7mins, targeted for kids ages 6 to 9 years old.
"Oddbeard Curse" Is the latest 22 min Halloween Special to be aired on Youtube! It's a story about Fuse finding a cursed ancient pirates treasure which revives the Ghost of Oddbeard who proceeds to terrorize the town! I am glad to have storyboarded on the crazy action-packed sequence where Oddbeard's Skeleton Minions are chasing our 7 Oddbods through a mineshaft!
"Zee Force Five" was an episode where lazy Zee stole Bubble's cloning device and made multiple clones of himself to do simple chores for him. But all goes downhill for Zee when these clones turn against Zee that results in an epic car chase sequence. It was definitely one of my favorite segment to board and figure out how Zee and Bubble would outwit the clones and turn the tides all in one hell of a car chase!
*Excerpt from "Zee Force Five" - Car Chase Sequence
Below is an excerpt from the episode "Cake-tastrophe" - Zee messed up one of Bubble's inventions and ends up with an ever growing muffin that's gonna squash all of Oddville!
*Excerpt from "Cake-tastrophe" - Final Giant Cake Sequence